The "World Water Festival" is a project aimed at addressing the increasingly serious water pollution and environmental issues in modern society through gratitude and action.

Water is a precious resource deeply related to people's health and livelihoods. We express gratitude for water and work together to conserve it.
We are recruiting people around the world who can empathize with us.

Activities include "holding the World Water Festival," "environmental protection to circulate clean water," and "disseminating information on water, prayer, environment, and technology.


The World Water Festival is a global project that unites us all, transcending race, national borders, and religion.

 By sharing the wisdom and potential of water for the future of our planet, we aim to achieve harmony with the natural environment, restore harmony, and share the wonderful cycle of life throughout the world.


The future of the earth depends entirely on water.

Restoring the environment surrounding water, which is deeply connected not only to our daily lives but also to the consciousness of humankind, to a pure state is absolutely essential to maintaining harmony throughout the entire planet.

 Water is the source of all life and an important element that connects all things.

Matsuri  Festival and Prayer Ceremony

The word "MATSURI" originally meant the worship of gods and prayer rituals for them.

MATSURI and prayer, which have been brought to us since ancient times, are wonderful systems that allow us to live in harmony with the natural world, reminding us of the sanctity of life and harmony with all things, and giving us a shared heart that transcends our differences.

The World Water Festival
2024 in Aso 

During the World Water Festival, 21st – 22nd September, 2024, we will connect with our friends around the world to offer the prayers and ceremonies in their own styles. 

Sep. 21st is the World Peace Day, thus many people will be doing events for peace on the same day.
If we raise consciousness for peace together with groups of people in different locations, our collective consciousness will be amplified and it will make a huge positive impact in reality.
We would like to welcome you to join us and offer your prayers of love and gratitude to water and do the rituals in your traditional styles. 

During the Festival, we have scheduled to connect with indigenous people online LIVE to share their prayers and ceremonies with everyone at the venue and friends who are with us online. 
Please join us from your own places!

For Water Prayer

We are collecting sacred waters and local spring waters from different locations and countries so we can combine all the waters and pray to it together.

・What kind of water?
Sacred water or spring water from your place.Please write down the name of the place the water is from. (For example, water from Lake Titikaka, or water from Mt. Fuji in Japan)
・How much water and what kind of a bottle?
500ml or so in a plastic or glass bottle but NOT in a steel bottle.
・How and where to send the water? –
Wrap the water bottle with an aluminum foil to protect the water information.
Please send it to Office Masaru Emoto by the end of August.

Office Masaru Emoto, LLC.
NS Bldg. 2F, 2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-0004 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3863-0211

For Videos of Prayers and Ceremonies

Please make a video of your prayers and ceremonies so we can compile all the videos and play it during the World Water Festival in September.

・Length of one video: 2 – 3 minutes
・What to do: At the beginning, please say your name and where you are from, and your tribe or organization name (very short self-introduction) and do the prayers or ceremonies of your own stile to complete your 2 to 3 minute video.
・When and where to send your video: Please send your video by August 20th
by email to:
Michiko Hayashi :
And Ryan Jasper Walsh:



    World Water Festival, Inc. 

    NS Bldg. 2F, 2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku,
    Tokyo Japan 103-0004