Our Team 

Hiromasa Emoto

President, World Water Festival 

Born in Nagoya in 1976.
After graduating from a college in the U.S.,he started to work at I.H.M. as a staff member in the laboratory, where he was involved in research on water crystal photography.

Later, he was transferred to Los Angeles where he organized various events with his father,the late Masaru Emoto, to spread the concept of Hado and “Messages from water” in the U.S.Following in the footsteps of his late father,

President of I.H.M Corporation in Tokyo
President of Office Masaru Emoto, LLC in Tokyo

Masaru Emoto, his mission is“To use Hado technology and water crystal photography to make the world aware of the importance of consciousness,Hado, and water, to contribute to people’s happiness, and to realize a peace on earth.”

Yasuhiko Aso

A Karate instructor and a fitness instructor.

After working as an importer and distributor of flower essences,he worked under the late Masaru Emoto and has been spreading Hado technology and learned the importance of consciousness, words, and water.

Since 2013, he has been engaged in promoting prayer technology and the secrets of the ancient rituals of the Imperial Court.

He is a director of neten, Inc.

He was in charge of the production of the book"Water Design" (Wako Publishing Co., Ltd.),which covers everything from water rituals to the latest water science.

He is also a ritualist and lecturer at Shirakawa Gakkan,a general incorporated association.

Gensei Kure

〜Matsuri no Nyashiwashi〜

After founding three companies, in 2016, he started Satochi Satoyama Sea Restoration in Lake Hamana and Shonai Peninsula, through the establishment of the International Environmental Resuscitation Fund.

As one of the pillars of the World Water Festival, he is building a system as “~Matsuri no Niwa~” incorporating water, minerals, energy self-sufficiency and circulation to restore the original ecosystem of the land as well as to restore the local festival, permanently gather local people, and protect the life of the earth to be connected to the future.

Founder, GLOBE, Inc.
Advisor, Nano Intention Inc.
Representative of Mitsuha no Mori
Preparation for the construction of Jizoyama Enmeiwa

Michiko Hayashi

Global Director

Studied abroad at the University of Costa Rica in Central America while attending UW, worked as an interpreter for the Costa Rican Ministry of Transportation in Japanese, English, and Spanish, and graduated from UW.
She is the mother of two sons.
She has published more than a dozen books on translation and preparation for the English Language Proficiency Test (EIKEN).

In March 2004, she became the international copyright holder and international secretary for Masaru Emoto, author of the international bestsellers “The Hidden Messages in Water” and “Water Crystal Oracle”.
He has distributed 650 million copies of the picture book “Dengon from Water” to children around the world free of charge, and has devoted his efforts to this project to spread the truth of water and the circle of “love and gratitude”.

In October 2014, Masaru Emoto passed away. Since then, she has been giving lectures and conducting activities around the world to carry on his legacy.

Chie Ito

Poet of Light

Mainly engaged in counseling and lecturing for about 18 years, consulting for managers and companies from an energy reading perspective, supporting researchers in the development of multidimensional materials, holding joint courses and developing projects with outside companies, and producing writers and artists.
Development advisor for cymatics companies, etc.

In 2023, he created “Prayer for Water” and led the “Prayer for Water Ceremony” with its representative, Hiromasa Emoto.
Joined the World Water Festival Executive Committee in April 2024.

Organized by Padmana Padmana
Advisor to the GLOBE

Sachiko Aoki

With many years of experience as an office worker, he started an office processing business as a sole proprietor.

In 2019, he became a board member of Nano Intention, Inc. as a starting member of Hamanako Shonai Peninsula Satoyama Regeneration Project.

Later, after encountering rice grown in Japan's beautiful natural environment, he became the representative employee of Mizu no Utsuwa, LLC, which sells naturally grown junmai sake.

His greatest goal position is a best friend recognized by the natural world.(^^)v

Hisao Kitada

Father of three.
President of Nano Intention Corporation, which has been involved in satoyama restoration activities with Mitsuha-no-Mori.

His mission is to pass on to the next generation what his predecessors have always taught him: “If you create a rich forest, you will create a rich water supply.

Currently, in his hometown of Kakogawa, he is working hard to revitalize the local community and pass down historical and cultural materials to the next generation.

Supervisor of GLOBE
At times, owner of a vintage speaker store, bus and cab driver, and DJ.

Yasutaka Takahashi 

After graduating from college, he joined a well-established integrated marketing company.
After serving as GM and business manager, he established Marketer's Bar Inc. in 2014, an integrated marketing company focusing on “people.

He has been entrusted with the entire management part of a company, including sales planning, management, and implementation, and has also been asked to represent the company as is.

He is currently proposing practical measures for the SDGs that are easier for companies to implement, utilizing the technologies he encountered in his environmental resuscitation activities.

In a school project in a poor village in India, he is working not only to enable children who cannot go to school to go to school, but also to make the school attractive enough for people from other countries to want to enter, even if they have to cross an ocean to do so.

President of Marketer's Bar Inc.
President of GLOBE.
President of Kukuto Co.
President of E-ma Sound Inc.

Hideo Harada 

Place of birth/ Kumamoto City Place of residence/ Minamiaso Village

President of Peaceful Heart, Dog Trainer, Representative Director of NPO Kyushu Disaster Recovery Support Leaders Summit, Disaster Prevention Specialist, Japan Disaster Prevention Agency, General Advanced Life Saving, Rescue 3 (1.2), WFA Wilderness, First Aid (outdoor disaster rescue), RAC Trainer, E-Boat Master Trainer, Project Wild Edigator RAC Trainer, E-boat Master Trainer, Slow Robe Rescue Master Trainer, Project Wild Edigator, Part-time lecturer at Kumamoto University Faculty of Education.

Emiko Kaku 

Chairman and Representative Director, Kaku Kensetsu Co.

After graduating from high school, he joined his father's company.

Since then, he has been with the company for 40 years while raising his four sons.

He currently serves as chairman of the board, succeeding his eldest son as president, and works with his employees, including his four sons.

2023, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the company's founding, he conceived the idea of a self-responsible free school system.

Kouji Yamamoto

Gyoseishoshi Scrivener Koji Yamamoto Office

Born in 1958 in Mifune-cho, Kumamoto Prefecture.

Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, and worked at the local Mifune Town Office until 2006, ran for Mayor of Mifune Town in 2007 and won the election.

Currently manages an administrative scrivener's office, works as a probation officer, and holds a position in the Kumamoto Prefecture Ethical Corporation Association (Deputy Secretary General).

He is actively engaged in activities for the benefit of others and the world while working on self-improvement at the Ethical Corporation Association. Among them, in the promotion of global ethics, he supports the World Water Festival as a member of the executive committee, which he has been supporting since last year, 2023.

World Water Festival, Inc. 

NS Bldg. 2F, 2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo Japan 103-0004
